Area Manager – Development Management

  • Job Reference: 7235000022583021
  • Date Posted: 19 September 2024
  • Recruiter: CRA Group Limited
  • Location: United Kingdom
  • Salary: On Application

Job Description

Category: Public Sector and Government

Location: Yeovil Somerset United Kingdom

4 months ongoing contract with local authorities

Job Summary:

Act as the lead officer and manager for two of the four Area Planning Committees leading the two teams of officers focused on delivering high quality development in Somerset. The postholder will report to the Head of Service, will deputise for the Service Manager Development Management and will be required to ensure that the service performs to an excellent level that meets national/legal requirements and responds positively to transformational change and the expectations of a wide variety of internal and external stakeholders.

Key Duties (Sample):

Act as the lead officer for two development management area teams (consisting of professional planners at principal, senior, planning officer, graduate and apprenticeship grades) providing a high quality, customer focused, development management function, responsible for determining planning and relevant applications.

Assist the Service Manager Development Management in the management of the Development Management Service and lead two of the area teams in determining planning applications including liaison within the planning service and other internal and external consultees.

Ensure applications are professionally managed to determination from pre-application stage through to implementation and compliance in accordance with the Council's constitution and agreed scheme of delegation.

Lead and manage the teams to ensure the Council exceeds Government and local performance targets; maximise income to Development Management specifically through application fees and charges to cover the costs of the Development Management Service; deliver organisational, policy and legislative changes to the service.

Act as the lead professional officer at the relevant Area Planning Committees to ensure that they are managed effectively and support Members to make sound planning decisions which achieve delivery of the adopted Development Plans, supplementary planning documents and other guidance and to meet corporate objectives around climate change, ecological emergency, delivery of affordable housing and quality placemaking

Deputise for the Service Manager Development Management and Head of Planning providing them with necessary support and advice across cases and deal with chief officers, senior members and external contacts on the full range of matters relating to management issues and all types of major and complex applications.

Clear reports and recommendations determined under delegated powers or reported to one of the Area Committees to ensure that consultations take account of legal and corporate procedures, that reports take account of all objections raised, that recommendations weigh all material planning considerations against relevant planning policies, and that decision letters are drafted comprehensively.

To attend as lead officer and present reports to the Area Planning Committee and to field questions/comments on all issues arising from members, objectors and other interested parties.

Oversees the day to day functioning of two Area Planning Committees (both meeting monthly) maintaining the confidence of Chair, Vice Chair and Planning Committee Members through briefings and training

To represent the Council by preparing and presenting professional expert evidence at public inquiries, informal hearings and in court on the full range of applications and in dealing with complaints, local ombudsman investigations, FoI and EIR enquiries

To directly line manage and mentor the Principal Planning Officers and team below to ensure the team is managed effectively and that all issues affecting team performance and individual welfare are identified and acted upon.

Essential Experience and Qualifications:

Operational and managerial experience of the delivery of local authority planning services, development management functions and team leadership

Experience of designing and implementing service transformation processes to deliver service change and improvement

Chartered member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (MRTPI) or eligible to be a member

Additional information to note:

This position will be based in both Yeovil & Shepton Mallett
